Wednesday 6 December 2006

Slate's Take on Robert Gates

Slate magazine is very excited about Robert Gates, Rumsfeld's replacement as the Secretary of Defense. In the words of Andrew Sullivan, this is the "money quote" of the article:

When Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., threw Gates a soft pitch—asking what he'd learned from his vast experience in Washington—he not only hit it out of the park but carefully tagged all the bases and shook hands with all the basemen as he trotted around the diamond.

Among the lessons he recited: All agencies have to work together to get anything done; consulting with Congress is really important; so is treating people's views with respect; and respecting the professionals—for instance, listening to military commanders when you're planning a war—is really, really important, because "if you don't make them a part of the solution, they will become a part of the problem."

In other words, he was telling the panel: "Anoint me, for I am the anti-Rumsfeld."

Read the rest of the article here.

-- DAE

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