Thursday 7 December 2006

Welcome Mr. Gates

Yesterday, the Senate approved President Bush's appointment of former Director of the CIA, Robert Gates, to the Secretary of Defense post. In a move that many analysts are calling a turning point for policy in Iraq, others remain skeptical about the amount of influence Gates will be able to assert over President Bush in his remaining time. For me, the question of asserting influence over President Bush is a slightly odd one. We really don't know how much of the Iraq mess is Bush's fault. This new appointment may give us an answer. If the policy remains as abhorrent as it has been under Rumsfeld, the onus lands decisively on the President's shoulders. If policies change, situations improve, decisions are better, President Bush may be able to pass off the majority of the blame for this disaster to the departed Secretary.

Happy Trails Donny...and Good Riddance.
Welcome Bobby.


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