Thursday 7 December 2006

Those in Glass Houses...

Bill Bennett's post on ''The Corner'' Blog for the National Review Online entitled: ''Smug, Arrogant, Insufferable'' seems to be a description of his own words. If I may, I am going to excerpt portions from this post, and comment on them. Feel free to read the whole thing here.
''Perhaps the most systemic problem with the report is it didn't tell us how to win; it answered how to get out. The commissioners answered the wrong question, but it was the one they wanted to answer.''

--Win? WIN!? Seriously? What does that mean? Iraq is in complete, violent, bloody sectarian-violence ridden chaos, and you want to talk about WINNING? Please define what winning entails. I don't think there is winning here Mr Bennett, there is damage control, there is making the best of a horrid mistake from an abysmal administration. If you want to win, go play a board game, lets just try to limit the number of people dead and you can call it a victory if that makes you feel better.

''One reporter asked if the president would accept this “edict,” as if there's force of law here. (the press has bought into the tyranny already). Another asked how hard it would be for the president to give up his power, “to take his hands off the wheel.” Do we all need a civics lesson? I’m tempted to go on about knowledge of American government, but for brevity, can we just say the president is the commander-in-chief and in charge — because he is elected by the people.''

--No Bill, there's no 'law' here. There is the voice of the people calling for change. There is the voice of the same people who voted to take back the House in November. There is the the voice of reason which apparently you have completely lost. No, there is no law, there is logic, there is an attempt at intelligence. Yes, George W. is still the president, and no one is denying that, I think the call coming from the ISG is that the president, the guy with an approval rating at less than 38%, simply follow a line of logic and stop being supported for a gigantic mistake that has cost the our country the lives of thousands upon thousands of people. Thanks for your offer for a civics lesson Professor Bennett, but do you really want to throw the books at this administration's conduct?


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